Friday, November 13, 2009


i just read my entry from yesterday, and DAMN i really suck at typing.

that is all! (well more later)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hiding in the bushes

so this last week i have dealt with sinuses, fights with taxi drivers, so so auditions, final dress rehearsal at the BIG HOUSE and many a costume fittings.

so if you follow my FB statuses you shall notice that i am under the weather again. i think my sinuses do not like nyc very much. regardless i have still been doing auditions and the such.

so last saturday i had an audition for utah symphony. they are doing the verdi's requiem and i REALLY wanted this gig. it took place on the east side of town. for those that dont know you have to either take a cross town bus or train or cab. i proceeded to do my usual preaudition/performance routine and then warmed up. i felt so good and ready and proceeded to take the train down and then take a cab because i wanted to keep the warm up...well... lets just say that traffic is a mess so we got across town and stopped a couple of block away. i ran my card through and it was not going through the cab driver started yelling at me and telling me that my card was bogus so itried another one ad it still not go through so then i politely told him that the card thingy was messed up...he disagreed so we started yelling and finally after minutes of screaming the card went through so i got out and pretty much started sprinting there BUT i went the wrong way so i called a friend and told me that i was off...way off so i turned around and ran the other way and finally got there...i lost my warm up DAMN IT! i figured that i had time to rewarm up and then i was told i was next...crap! so i went in there and did my thing and not as good as i had hoped... oh well...

that same night i got a ticket for the opening of new york city opera's season. it was an opera called esther and it was uhhhhhh...well very serialist... not a cup of tea for man a folk who likes pretty melodies. the singing was great! well for thge most part at least. it was great to see the renovations of the space. it was good for me considering i had an audition for new york city opera coming soon.

tuesday was going to be a loooooong day since i had the final cover run at the BIG HOUSE and an audition. in between all that i got an email from my old agent. he was not happy with me leaving his roster. i did ask him if i could use him as my european agent and of course he said that maybe he would consider it and as a first test he set up an audition for a german opera house that was in town so i said yes and it ALSO was going to be on tuesday.

the run through went well and they seemed happy and satisfied that we knew our stuff. this is when my throat satrted hurting. i went to my first audition and it went well! the new agent was really happy with it and then we went out for lunch afterwards and talked. my throat was not faring well but decided to go do the german house audition. the old agent was nice and said we would talk when he comes back in december. at that point i was not feeling hot. i called my new agent and told her that maybe i should cancel my audition the next day which happened to be new york city opera. i decided to try and go to sleep early and netti pot so i woke up congested so i figured it was a no go so i called the agent and she said to warm up and see how it feel. i warmed up and had all the notes so i decided "what the heck i will do it!" called her back and told her i would be there.

the audition went well. i was really dry but she thought that it was good so all is good i guess.

i got a call in the evening that i had a costume fitting...again... apparently none of the clothes did not fit me so they had to make everything from scratch. they are amazing and soooo nice! so now im just chilling before i head down and hang out at the startbucks before the show.

i do hope i get better... soon!

so that is all. i am excited to go back to lawrence next week. i miss people and my students.


Monday, November 2, 2009

so what have you been doing?

well... i am glad you asked!

since i last blogged... i have been going to rehearsals at the BIG HOUSE pretty much everyday with the exception of sunday. i think this show is either going to wow the crap out of everyone or it is going to be hated. i am going to say that if i didnt know the show and went to see it i would really like it. it is rather intense and pretty much a downer but it is a type of opera that yougo out afterwards and have coffee or a drink and you talk about the symbolism and message.

i have been sitting out in the house for the past two weeks and its kind of funny... the more i sit out in the house, the smalle the house feels like (of course if you have been to the BIG HOUSE you would know that it is freakin'HUGE).

the singing from the principals and covers is simply amazing! i am also going to point out that everyone is a good colleague. RULE #1...ALWAYS BE A GOOD COLLEAGUE! at the same time i always feel nervous because every time i am there it feels like an audition. i am determined to keep a cheery disposition and just scream on the inside.

so i had two auditions. one went so-so but i think a sabotaged myself because i learned a new aria from one of the shows they are doing but didnt memorize it...i think it was a bad idea. the other audition went so much better. i think the first audition warmed me up for the second audition. so this week i am singing for a world renown voice teacher (at least a voice teacher for big name tenors) i am pretty nervous.

i have been trying to sing for at least an hour every night. i am doing ayt for the most part.

so i am now in a different apartment. funny it is only 8 blocks away from the old one. it is smaller but its nice. the new roomy is an acor. he seems pretty chill and does his own thing. the bad part is that i dont have a bed so i need o look for a futon couch or something. i am sleeping on an air mattress and i dont think i could do it for 6 weeks.

so i am still wondering if i could live in this city. i am not going to lie, i miss kansas! i miss mah peeps and brothers, i miss my students, but i also know this is kinda of a center for auditions but considering the large city it can feel pretty lonely. also, it is hard to practice because by the end of the day you are too busy going, going, going that you are tired and dont want to practice... you have to be diligent.

ok i am done! i need to go on craigslist and hunt for furniture...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Slowly coming out of the cave

so yeah, yeah, yeah it has been a week but i have a real good excuse... STREP THROAT

so nothing really happened last week. just me and lots of water and netti pottin, mucinexin, claritinin and at the end sudafedin. so lots of druggin. i did not go to the gym i just pretty quarantined myself.

i am doing ok. i am slowly vocalizing and getting back in shape. i have a coaching tomorrow...not at the BIG HOUSE but with a private coach. i need to start gaining my stamina and start singing my auditions arias. audition season has officially commenced.

ok so this was the secret that i did not mention on an earlier post. i changed management. nothing against my old one but the roster with my new management is smaller and i could get some more one on one attention. it has been a little bit of drama but all shall be well.

i went to the gym to lift today for the first time in over a week. i was going to take it turned into a great session. i lurved it. i have embraced that i shall be fat forever but i shall keep on lifting...endorphins rock.

so i am yet to experience the true night life of nyc. i really should do that huh?

Saturday, October 10, 2009


so it is a saturday night in nyc and what is hugo doing? he is in his room trying to get well after all of a sudden getting a cold... i think. it all started on tuesday when i woke up with a migrane from hell. at first i thought that it was just the fact that the weather is changing so i did my mucinex-claritin cocktail and my head elt like it was going to explode.

wednesday it didnt feel as bad but still throbbing but i decided to meet up with my bud at the gym and work some arms. we both decided we would take a class. i have not taken a class at the gym in like well...this century but i think it would be good for me. it was an all conditioning class...lets just say it kicked my ass. afterwards we decided to get some as most of you know, i dont like to eat before i work out but also i just dont really eat throughout the hole and yet i still go to the gym and work out...that is bad, bad, BAD!

thursday i had a coaching at the BIG HOUSE and i was just not feeling too hot but it went well and i decided to go work on some werther. i was still not feeling well but i figured i would go do some light cardio for about 35min then sat in the steam room.

it was also a day i would start my new church gig and bought my ticket to greenwich, ct. well lets just say that i got lost on my way there and i had to get on another train and i ended up showing up and hour after we stopped in this town and decided to take a cab.

i think being outside in the cold affected me so friday i woke up and i felt like ass. i cancelled my coaching at the BIG HOUSE and have been just drinking water and netty potting myself to death.

i think i will be able to ake it tomorrow at church and im supposed to do a sing through of boheme but i dont know....

KU won today! barely!

time to look at werther and netty pot!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Friend indeed!

so my insomnia is back which i guess means that i am adjusting to new york city life i guess. i often wondered why my sleep cycle, or lack thereof, has always been messed up.

yesterday and today i had the great honor of hanging out with with the infamous kerry gotschall who graduated from ku just last year. she moved up here during the summer and living in the bronx where she is teaching and singing. she has taken the task of brining lawrence to me since i miss it so much.

well today i finally sat down and looked at the opera werther by massenet. i will not lie and say that i am intimidated by it but i think it will be good for me since i have always been careful in the rep that i have chosen to perform and lets face it! with the economy beggars cant be choosers. i also called another great friend and i am having dinner with her and her family tomorrow. this friend goes wayy back to when i was an undergrad and she was singing with utah opera. she was an amazing mezzo then is now an amazing dramatic soprano. at her insistance i have called her voice teacher, the amazing bill shumman to try an arrange a voice lesson. apparently he is one difficult man to get a hold of and need to be persistant and call him alot. i called him today so we shall see what happens.

tonight i hung out with kerry and went to a bar and watched the vikings and packers go at it. it was an amazing game and had a great time.

so tomorrow i am going to sit in on the rehearsal at the BIG HOUSE. i need to go over my stuff and sit there and try and take everything in. i think its important to be seen around the met as much as possible so they know that i exist! LOL

so i am still wondering if i would ever live in this city. i do not know if i can harden myself and just become a new yorker.

time will tell


Saturday, October 3, 2009

2 in 1

ok so before you attack me... yea i did not right a blog entry yesterday BUTT i have a very good excuse...

ok so as you know i was staying with my bff here in nyc until i could move into my sublease. so yesterday i was going to move out but before that i was going to go to the gym and join up. my bud had a show so he was gone and his roomate was going to be gone by the time i would get back but no worries i have a copy of the keys......or DID I???

well i worked out with my bud and we were supposed to meet another KU alumn who was about to leave for a gig. i was, "NO PROB" i am going to go back to the village, pick my schtuff and take it to my place which is 170 blocks away on the other side of the city. well go to my buds place, went to take the key out aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand no keys... oops left the keys on the coffee table so i was locked out and both peeps were gone. luckily for me i still had the keys for the sublease in my pocket and i did a load so i had some clothes. so of course it took me about 50minutes and got back to my new place. i texted and called my bud and decided i would just pick it up tomorrow.

so i met up with my buds up here closer to where i live. it was good to see them and it was like old times... except in a much expensive city and it dawned on me after i got the food and drink bill...YIKES but aside from that it made me happy.

soooooooooooooooooooooooooo TODAY

i met up with my village bud by lincoln center so i could the keys to his place and have brunch. it was kewl to just sit and talk. my only fear is that now i am 170 blocks away on the other side of the city i wont be able to hang.

i found out that i could sing in the apartment which makes me happy. so went to the gym today and killed all of the hard work by going to mickeys ds.... i know i know! feel free to give me a leture.

chillin..... miss everyone

Thursday, October 1, 2009


stair: approx 545

so today was a slow day of sorts. i decided to thank my friends roommate by buying some chinese food for letting me crash while i move into my sublease.

i discovered something about myself. i learned that my voice is at its best if i sing everyday... well... i mean i am so used to teaching everyday that i am constantly singing and supporting of sorts. these last couple of days i have not opened my mouth and voice feels like crap. i have to keep myself in check and somehow figure out what to do so i can sing at least an hour a day. the problem lies in that there are no practice spaces here in nyc and if there are you have to pay. i am going to have to suck and pay if i have to do this. the obvious question is, is that there must be practice rooms in the BIG HOUSE, but apparently those are hard to come by but i am going to try and find out if i can reserve a room.

i miss my students!

i also learned that even though this is a huge city one can feel quite lonely so i need to occupy myself. i have plenty of music to concentrate on so i cannot sit in front of the tv like i have been.

so today i took my first load to my new place. from where i am staying now to the place that i am going to be staying beginning tomorrow it took about 50 minutes to get there plus another 40 minutes of me getting lost. i found the place and just kept praying that there was an elevator...NOPE but lucky for me it is on the second floor so i can live with that. the location is right by the washington bridge and the neighborhood is beautiful. i am going to take the time and walk around but i already saw the grocery store, dry cleaner, restaurants and a starbucks all within a block which makes me happy.

well i returned and hung out with my friends roomate before he took off for the evening and i stayed and stared blanky at the tv and finally decided to look at some music.

so yea i am writing this kinda late, but trust me i will not forget!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

it's like heroin!

STAIRS CLIMBED-- approx 870

so today was a day for me to just look at my surroundings. the first item of business was i needed to buy a new wallett. now those that are in the now remember that i uhhhhh lost my wallett the last time i was in the big apple and since then i was just shoving stuff in my pockets, but i think i need to put some kind of order in my life! (i keep hoping that order is a good thing but instead my life is all about chaos) i decided to get a new york library card. i thought it was going to be difficult to attain a library card but i went in, gave my address here in nyc and TAA DAAAA! i have a library card. so i decided to start checking right away. the great thing about the library is that it is right next to the BIG HOUSE so i can just chill there if i have to.

so as i was going to look for a bank of america i bumped into a good friend of mine from sarasota and he invited me to lunch but also in the process i made contact with an old student and friend who now lives in the city. he invited me over to hang out...or so i thought.... after hanging with my friend from sarasota i bumped into a friend i went to school with in michigan and then another singer friend that was an apprentice with me in kansas city.

so i ended up going to visit my former student and low and behold when i get there is a pianist ready to go. trutch be told he did tell me that he was having a coaching. so i just told myself to sit back and drink my awful starbucks coffee. so i climbed the 5 floors and chillaxed until his other singer friends showed up and then next thing you know i am giving voice lessons... i fought as hard as i could but its my heroin... i needed my voice lesson teaching fix... i have a problem.

it was good to see him and tomorrow i think i have a rehearsal but i dont know. i think it is time for me to join a gym and i should practice...

what is practicing???

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


if someone were to ask me to describe NYC in one word the word that would come to my mind is "STEPS!" why such a word? because it seems like that is what takes up most of your day....up and down. i venture to say and i am not making this up, i have done about 1000 steps. it was like football and rugby ALL OVER AGAIN. needless to say that my poor knees cant take it, but i think i have a new game. starting tomorrow i am going to keep count on how many steps i go through in a day.

so today was my first day at the job! it started with me looking for the YYYYYYMMMMCCCCAAA! sorry couldnt help myself but that is where i went. i decided to try and keep the same routine that i always do. and of course it started with me going down a lot of steps to just go through the front door! i just kept telling myself all through my workout that this is just another gig. while i was walking to the gym i got a call from the BIG HOUSE (i decided i am going to call it the BIG HOUSE) and they added something to the schedule. they said i didnt have to be there since it was short notice but i decided that i would eventhough i had an engagement during the beginning of the rehearsal.

so i felt like i was going on a date becuase i could not for the life decide what to wear but considering i had an auditin i decided to wear somewhere in middle. i am not good at playing dress up. i am actually a fashion nightmare, but i do ocassion find moments of inspiration. anywho... i get to the place and they give me this huge packet and give me own personal id and send me on my way to my coaching. needless to say i was a little lost. the backstage is a serious of smaller sections and some dont connect to others. i felt like a lost kid in a walmart. luckily i bumped into an acquaintance and begged for help. he was cool and sent me right to where i needed to go.

the coach was really great! and was patient. let me tell ya..i was sweating bullets but he said my czech overall was ayt but there were some issues with the editions..mainly MY edition since there some wrong words and notes...DUH! i wanted to impress so badly but hopefully i at least came across a decent guy. so after an hour of that i went to an audition BUT i wont talk about that for the moment...more on that later! after the audition i caught the tail end of a staging rehearsal...all i am going to say is INTENSE. i got to meet the guy that i am covering and he seems real cool. in fact everybody was so nice and helpful... thumbs up!

went to the final dress of aida! wow! i lurved it... it is such a spectacle of a show. i am wondering if i am ready to tackle something so big.

lets see how tomorrow goes

Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 1

so i decided that it would be kind of cool to just keep a little blog about my experience here in the Big Apple... actually, why is it called the Big Apple? it just dawned on me that i have no clue. i am not going to lie and say that i dont miss kansas. i think it is like a safety blanket. i really dont understand why this gig is any different that others?

-- maybe because its like i am singing at the big house... for many this a dream come true

-- maybe because i am living here for longer than the usual 3 weeks that one comes for audition season

-- maybe because i actually graduated and this like the beginning of the next chapter in my life

waking up today and realizing that i am no longer in the land of lawrence hit me pretty hard.... BUT something awful happened! i figured i should listen to some music on my ipod.... ipod was NOWHERE to be found... methinks i left it in the super shuttle on the way to my friends place... sigh... soooooooooooo much music lost and now i have to start all over. i also talked or rather left a message to the roomate of the girl that i am subleasing the place from in oct. i promised her i was not crazy....FOOL HAHAHA

so i decided to meet up with Kerry Gottschall for a late lunch. it was fun trying to find the restaurant and moew fun to just hang out. i told kerry what happened with the ipod we basically discovered that i should just let her go! my ipods name was "MAY" as in it cost me my rent for the month of may. i did put in a lost and found report but i shall not hold my breath.

after our little get together i decided it was time for me to get a new ipod... so we went to the mac store and bought a new 160 gig and mic ipod. what should a name it?

we parted ways and i snuck into NOLA studios to try and warm up. sorta did then hopped on the 1train and went to manhattan school of music for a coaching. it dawned on me that i have not really sung in a while. i have taught a lot but as far as my own singing i havent really concentrated on that. it went ok... i am out of practice.

i am now chilling at my buds place. i have my first rehearsal and an audition...but i will fill ya in.

i hope this was not too boring.