Wednesday, September 30, 2009

it's like heroin!

STAIRS CLIMBED-- approx 870

so today was a day for me to just look at my surroundings. the first item of business was i needed to buy a new wallett. now those that are in the now remember that i uhhhhh lost my wallett the last time i was in the big apple and since then i was just shoving stuff in my pockets, but i think i need to put some kind of order in my life! (i keep hoping that order is a good thing but instead my life is all about chaos) i decided to get a new york library card. i thought it was going to be difficult to attain a library card but i went in, gave my address here in nyc and TAA DAAAA! i have a library card. so i decided to start checking right away. the great thing about the library is that it is right next to the BIG HOUSE so i can just chill there if i have to.

so as i was going to look for a bank of america i bumped into a good friend of mine from sarasota and he invited me to lunch but also in the process i made contact with an old student and friend who now lives in the city. he invited me over to hang out...or so i thought.... after hanging with my friend from sarasota i bumped into a friend i went to school with in michigan and then another singer friend that was an apprentice with me in kansas city.

so i ended up going to visit my former student and low and behold when i get there is a pianist ready to go. trutch be told he did tell me that he was having a coaching. so i just told myself to sit back and drink my awful starbucks coffee. so i climbed the 5 floors and chillaxed until his other singer friends showed up and then next thing you know i am giving voice lessons... i fought as hard as i could but its my heroin... i needed my voice lesson teaching fix... i have a problem.

it was good to see him and tomorrow i think i have a rehearsal but i dont know. i think it is time for me to join a gym and i should practice...

what is practicing???

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