Thursday, October 1, 2009


stair: approx 545

so today was a slow day of sorts. i decided to thank my friends roommate by buying some chinese food for letting me crash while i move into my sublease.

i discovered something about myself. i learned that my voice is at its best if i sing everyday... well... i mean i am so used to teaching everyday that i am constantly singing and supporting of sorts. these last couple of days i have not opened my mouth and voice feels like crap. i have to keep myself in check and somehow figure out what to do so i can sing at least an hour a day. the problem lies in that there are no practice spaces here in nyc and if there are you have to pay. i am going to have to suck and pay if i have to do this. the obvious question is, is that there must be practice rooms in the BIG HOUSE, but apparently those are hard to come by but i am going to try and find out if i can reserve a room.

i miss my students!

i also learned that even though this is a huge city one can feel quite lonely so i need to occupy myself. i have plenty of music to concentrate on so i cannot sit in front of the tv like i have been.

so today i took my first load to my new place. from where i am staying now to the place that i am going to be staying beginning tomorrow it took about 50 minutes to get there plus another 40 minutes of me getting lost. i found the place and just kept praying that there was an elevator...NOPE but lucky for me it is on the second floor so i can live with that. the location is right by the washington bridge and the neighborhood is beautiful. i am going to take the time and walk around but i already saw the grocery store, dry cleaner, restaurants and a starbucks all within a block which makes me happy.

well i returned and hung out with my friends roomate before he took off for the evening and i stayed and stared blanky at the tv and finally decided to look at some music.

so yea i am writing this kinda late, but trust me i will not forget!

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