Saturday, October 10, 2009


so it is a saturday night in nyc and what is hugo doing? he is in his room trying to get well after all of a sudden getting a cold... i think. it all started on tuesday when i woke up with a migrane from hell. at first i thought that it was just the fact that the weather is changing so i did my mucinex-claritin cocktail and my head elt like it was going to explode.

wednesday it didnt feel as bad but still throbbing but i decided to meet up with my bud at the gym and work some arms. we both decided we would take a class. i have not taken a class at the gym in like well...this century but i think it would be good for me. it was an all conditioning class...lets just say it kicked my ass. afterwards we decided to get some as most of you know, i dont like to eat before i work out but also i just dont really eat throughout the hole and yet i still go to the gym and work out...that is bad, bad, BAD!

thursday i had a coaching at the BIG HOUSE and i was just not feeling too hot but it went well and i decided to go work on some werther. i was still not feeling well but i figured i would go do some light cardio for about 35min then sat in the steam room.

it was also a day i would start my new church gig and bought my ticket to greenwich, ct. well lets just say that i got lost on my way there and i had to get on another train and i ended up showing up and hour after we stopped in this town and decided to take a cab.

i think being outside in the cold affected me so friday i woke up and i felt like ass. i cancelled my coaching at the BIG HOUSE and have been just drinking water and netty potting myself to death.

i think i will be able to ake it tomorrow at church and im supposed to do a sing through of boheme but i dont know....

KU won today! barely!

time to look at werther and netty pot!


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