Monday, October 19, 2009

Slowly coming out of the cave

so yeah, yeah, yeah it has been a week but i have a real good excuse... STREP THROAT

so nothing really happened last week. just me and lots of water and netti pottin, mucinexin, claritinin and at the end sudafedin. so lots of druggin. i did not go to the gym i just pretty quarantined myself.

i am doing ok. i am slowly vocalizing and getting back in shape. i have a coaching tomorrow...not at the BIG HOUSE but with a private coach. i need to start gaining my stamina and start singing my auditions arias. audition season has officially commenced.

ok so this was the secret that i did not mention on an earlier post. i changed management. nothing against my old one but the roster with my new management is smaller and i could get some more one on one attention. it has been a little bit of drama but all shall be well.

i went to the gym to lift today for the first time in over a week. i was going to take it turned into a great session. i lurved it. i have embraced that i shall be fat forever but i shall keep on lifting...endorphins rock.

so i am yet to experience the true night life of nyc. i really should do that huh?


  1. What a bummer that you were so sick!! I'm glad you're on the mend.

    And you are NOT FAT.

  2. Hugo!!! Can't wait to come to the city and see you. We gotta do Thanksgiving together??? can we can we? or will you have obligations with more powerful people than little old me?

    Miss you lots my friend. Good luck!! Hope you are feeling better.
