Monday, November 2, 2009

so what have you been doing?

well... i am glad you asked!

since i last blogged... i have been going to rehearsals at the BIG HOUSE pretty much everyday with the exception of sunday. i think this show is either going to wow the crap out of everyone or it is going to be hated. i am going to say that if i didnt know the show and went to see it i would really like it. it is rather intense and pretty much a downer but it is a type of opera that yougo out afterwards and have coffee or a drink and you talk about the symbolism and message.

i have been sitting out in the house for the past two weeks and its kind of funny... the more i sit out in the house, the smalle the house feels like (of course if you have been to the BIG HOUSE you would know that it is freakin'HUGE).

the singing from the principals and covers is simply amazing! i am also going to point out that everyone is a good colleague. RULE #1...ALWAYS BE A GOOD COLLEAGUE! at the same time i always feel nervous because every time i am there it feels like an audition. i am determined to keep a cheery disposition and just scream on the inside.

so i had two auditions. one went so-so but i think a sabotaged myself because i learned a new aria from one of the shows they are doing but didnt memorize it...i think it was a bad idea. the other audition went so much better. i think the first audition warmed me up for the second audition. so this week i am singing for a world renown voice teacher (at least a voice teacher for big name tenors) i am pretty nervous.

i have been trying to sing for at least an hour every night. i am doing ayt for the most part.

so i am now in a different apartment. funny it is only 8 blocks away from the old one. it is smaller but its nice. the new roomy is an acor. he seems pretty chill and does his own thing. the bad part is that i dont have a bed so i need o look for a futon couch or something. i am sleeping on an air mattress and i dont think i could do it for 6 weeks.

so i am still wondering if i could live in this city. i am not going to lie, i miss kansas! i miss mah peeps and brothers, i miss my students, but i also know this is kinda of a center for auditions but considering the large city it can feel pretty lonely. also, it is hard to practice because by the end of the day you are too busy going, going, going that you are tired and dont want to practice... you have to be diligent.

ok i am done! i need to go on craigslist and hunt for furniture...

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