Tuesday, September 29, 2009


if someone were to ask me to describe NYC in one word the word that would come to my mind is "STEPS!" why such a word? because it seems like that is what takes up most of your day....up and down. i venture to say and i am not making this up, i have done about 1000 steps. it was like football and rugby ALL OVER AGAIN. needless to say that my poor knees cant take it, but i think i have a new game. starting tomorrow i am going to keep count on how many steps i go through in a day.

so today was my first day at the job! it started with me looking for the YYYYYYMMMMCCCCAAA! sorry couldnt help myself but that is where i went. i decided to try and keep the same routine that i always do. and of course it started with me going down a lot of steps to just go through the front door! i just kept telling myself all through my workout that this is just another gig. while i was walking to the gym i got a call from the BIG HOUSE (i decided i am going to call it the BIG HOUSE) and they added something to the schedule. they said i didnt have to be there since it was short notice but i decided that i would eventhough i had an engagement during the beginning of the rehearsal.

so i felt like i was going on a date becuase i could not for the life decide what to wear but considering i had an auditin i decided to wear somewhere in middle. i am not good at playing dress up. i am actually a fashion nightmare, but i do ocassion find moments of inspiration. anywho... i get to the place and they give me this huge packet and give me own personal id and send me on my way to my coaching. needless to say i was a little lost. the backstage is a serious of smaller sections and some dont connect to others. i felt like a lost kid in a walmart. luckily i bumped into an acquaintance and begged for help. he was cool and sent me right to where i needed to go.

the coach was really great! and was patient. let me tell ya..i was sweating bullets but he said my czech overall was ayt but there were some issues with the editions..mainly MY edition since there some wrong words and notes...DUH! i wanted to impress so badly but hopefully i at least came across a decent guy. so after an hour of that i went to an audition BUT i wont talk about that for the moment...more on that later! after the audition i caught the tail end of a staging rehearsal...all i am going to say is INTENSE. i got to meet the guy that i am covering and he seems real cool. in fact everybody was so nice and helpful... thumbs up!

went to the final dress of aida! wow! i lurved it... it is such a spectacle of a show. i am wondering if i am ready to tackle something so big.

lets see how tomorrow goes

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