Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 1

so i decided that it would be kind of cool to just keep a little blog about my experience here in the Big Apple... actually, why is it called the Big Apple? it just dawned on me that i have no clue. i am not going to lie and say that i dont miss kansas. i think it is like a safety blanket. i really dont understand why this gig is any different that others?

-- maybe because its like i am singing at the big house... for many this a dream come true

-- maybe because i am living here for longer than the usual 3 weeks that one comes for audition season

-- maybe because i actually graduated and this like the beginning of the next chapter in my life

waking up today and realizing that i am no longer in the land of lawrence hit me pretty hard.... BUT something awful happened! i figured i should listen to some music on my ipod.... ipod was NOWHERE to be found... methinks i left it in the super shuttle on the way to my friends place... sigh... soooooooooooo much music lost and now i have to start all over. i also talked or rather left a message to the roomate of the girl that i am subleasing the place from in oct. i promised her i was not crazy....FOOL HAHAHA

so i decided to meet up with Kerry Gottschall for a late lunch. it was fun trying to find the restaurant and moew fun to just hang out. i told kerry what happened with the ipod we basically discovered that i should just let her go! my ipods name was "MAY" as in it cost me my rent for the month of may. i did put in a lost and found report but i shall not hold my breath.

after our little get together i decided it was time for me to get a new ipod... so we went to the mac store and bought a new 160 gig and mic ipod. what should a name it?

we parted ways and i snuck into NOLA studios to try and warm up. sorta did then hopped on the 1train and went to manhattan school of music for a coaching. it dawned on me that i have not really sung in a while. i have taught a lot but as far as my own singing i havent really concentrated on that. it went ok... i am out of practice.

i am now chilling at my buds place. i have my first rehearsal and an audition...but i will fill ya in.

i hope this was not too boring.


  1. Not boring at all - and looking forward to your future. Future posts, and future LIFE!

  2. Cheers to new adventures in New York!

  3. Hugo
    pls write often, we miss you.
    call us when u have a min.
    ipod name? humm Meshuga(crazy in hebrew) and a psychodalic band name too. haha.

  4. I've always liked the name Vishnick
