Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hiding in the bushes

so this last week i have dealt with sinuses, fights with taxi drivers, so so auditions, final dress rehearsal at the BIG HOUSE and many a costume fittings.

so if you follow my FB statuses you shall notice that i am under the weather again. i think my sinuses do not like nyc very much. regardless i have still been doing auditions and the such.

so last saturday i had an audition for utah symphony. they are doing the verdi's requiem and i REALLY wanted this gig. it took place on the east side of town. for those that dont know you have to either take a cross town bus or train or cab. i proceeded to do my usual preaudition/performance routine and then warmed up. i felt so good and ready and proceeded to take the train down and then take a cab because i wanted to keep the warm up...well... lets just say that traffic is a mess so we got across town and stopped a couple of block away. i ran my card through and it was not going through the cab driver started yelling at me and telling me that my card was bogus so itried another one ad it still not go through so then i politely told him that the card thingy was messed up...he disagreed so we started yelling and finally after minutes of screaming the card went through so i got out and pretty much started sprinting there BUT i went the wrong way so i called a friend and told me that i was off...way off so i turned around and ran the other way and finally got there...i lost my warm up DAMN IT! i figured that i had time to rewarm up and then i was told i was next...crap! so i went in there and did my thing and not as good as i had hoped... oh well...

that same night i got a ticket for the opening of new york city opera's season. it was an opera called esther and it was uhhhhhh...well very serialist... not a cup of tea for man a folk who likes pretty melodies. the singing was great! well for thge most part at least. it was great to see the renovations of the space. it was good for me considering i had an audition for new york city opera coming soon.

tuesday was going to be a loooooong day since i had the final cover run at the BIG HOUSE and an audition. in between all that i got an email from my old agent. he was not happy with me leaving his roster. i did ask him if i could use him as my european agent and of course he said that maybe he would consider it and as a first test he set up an audition for a german opera house that was in town so i said yes and it ALSO was going to be on tuesday.

the run through went well and they seemed happy and satisfied that we knew our stuff. this is when my throat satrted hurting. i went to my first audition and it went well! the new agent was really happy with it and then we went out for lunch afterwards and talked. my throat was not faring well but decided to go do the german house audition. the old agent was nice and said we would talk when he comes back in december. at that point i was not feeling hot. i called my new agent and told her that maybe i should cancel my audition the next day which happened to be new york city opera. i decided to try and go to sleep early and netti pot so i woke up congested so i figured it was a no go so i called the agent and she said to warm up and see how it feel. i warmed up and had all the notes so i decided "what the heck i will do it!" called her back and told her i would be there.

the audition went well. i was really dry but she thought that it was good so all is good i guess.

i got a call in the evening that i had a costume fitting...again... apparently none of the clothes did not fit me so they had to make everything from scratch. they are amazing and soooo nice! so now im just chilling before i head down and hang out at the startbucks before the show.

i do hope i get better... soon!

so that is all. i am excited to go back to lawrence next week. i miss people and my students.


1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, Utah Symphony, that would give me an excuse to do something cultured! Come on, I NEED an excuse.
